
The nearest town to mullion is Helston which is approx. 5 miles away.
Mullion comprises of mullion cove and mullion island – which is approx. half a mile offshore from mullion cove. The island was given to the national trust in 1945
There is evidence of Celtic crosses and burial grounds in the parish also evidence of copper and clay mining
The pilchard fishery started in the 18th century in mullion cove.
Talc was mined/ quarried in soapy cove.
POLHU point is in the northern part of mullion which means “black pool” in Cornish. POLHU point is where a wireless signal was received by Marconi in 1901
Mullion cove or porth Mellin is a small community on the west coast of Cornwall. Between 1890 and 1897 the harbour was constructed.
A fishing industry has been based in mullion cove for hundreds of years.
Smuggling was common around mullion cove. Tourism has been important to mullion cove since the 19th century Londoners were in particular regular visitors.
Pilchard fishing carried on till 1920s
Mullion is the largest village in the lizard area – it has several shops, cafes and restaurants and art galleries – there is also a golf course
Go to mullion for
- Great fishing
- Lovely surroundings
- Kayaking
- Explore the cove
- Fishing trips
Whitewashed buildings also a chocolate factory – mullion enjoys some of Cornwall’s most important landscapes