
Falmouth is a port on the river fal. It has a total population of 22,000 approx.
Sir John Killigrew created falmouth town in in 1613
Being the nearest entrance to the English Channel Two Royal navy squadrons were stationed here
The Falmouth packet system (sending of messages via mail) operated over 160 years 1689 to 1851
The Falmouth docks were developed (deep water docks) being the third deepest natural harbour in Europe in 1858
The RNLI operate 2 lifeboats – Richard cox Scott (56ft) and eve park (24 ft. inshore boat)
The Cornwall railway now Great western railway reached Falmouth in august 1863 with 3 stations – Falmouth docks, Falmouth town and penmere railway station
During the second world war Falmouth was a base for American troops preparing for D- day landings
Although the maritime activity has died down from its peak period; Falmouth remains the largest port in Cornwall
Falmouth is a popular destination for a Cornwall family holiday.
The national Maritime Museum Cornwall was opened in Feb 2003.
Falmouth is birth place of The Wind in the Willows.
Falmouth harbour is the deepest in western Europe
In 2016 Falmouth won great British high street 2016
Falmouth has a great maritime heritage and modern creativity and is great for a festival
Falmouth festivals
- Falmouth week
- Falmouth oyster festival
- International sea shanty festival
- Falmouth festive weekend
- Falmouth spring festival
Falmouth university was originally opened as Falmouth school of arts in 1902.
Falmouth is the gateway to the fal river.
The town is well known for its many galleries
Many events i.e. Falmouth regatta and Pendennis cup.
Falmouth is ideal for water sports i.e. windsurfing and sailing
Fresh caught sea food is always on the menu
Don’t forget to go to Pendennis castle which was built in 1540 for Henry VIII, during the 1st World war Pendennis became fortress Falmouth.
In Falmouth town there are 111 steps known as Jacobs ladder.
Falmouth is a good shopping centre and café culture, it is famous for its castle and beaches and is famous for its smugglers and pirates.
Explore Falmouth town centre for crafty shops and nautical suppliers. It has the only full size all weather bowling green in Cornwall.