Isles of Scilly

The isles of Scilly are an ARCHIPELAGO 25 miles off the tip of Cornwall.
The principal islands are St Marys, Tresco,St Martins, St Agnes and Bryher.
The island of St Agnes is the southernmost point in the Uk.
The population of all of the islands is 2200 as of 2011.
An Archipelago is an island group or island chain. The main agricultural export is cut flowers as the climate is very good- by far the warmest place in the British isles – mostly daffodils.
Today tourism accounts for 85 % of the island’s income.
In 1975 the islands were designated as an area of outstanding beauty.
Whilst on the isles of Scilly look out for gig racing – fast rowing boats with crews of 6 people which race between the islands.
St Marys
This is the largest of the isles of Scilly – it has an area of 6.58 miles 40% of the land area of the isles. Population is 1700 approx. The main town is Hugh town. Vehicles are exempt from MOT annual tests.
The tower on Newford Down is now known as telegraph tower.
Harrys walls are remains of an unfinished artillery castle – it was left unfinished because the ground is unstable.
Some other landmarks are
- Giants castle
- Garrison and star castle
- Peninnis Head
- Porthellick Cove
This is the second biggest island on the isles of Scilly approx. 2.2 miles by 1.09 miles
The original name for the island was Cornish Ryn Tewyn – promontory of sand dunes.
Tresco is a car free island, the landscape ranges from windswept northern areas to beautiful beaches on the south coast.
St Martins
From the Cornish – Brechiek – dappled island area of 0.92 sq. miles.
3 main settlements on the island – higher town, middle town, and lower town.
Total population as per 2011 136 people
There is also a vineyard on the island. 2 quay’s at higher town /lower town. St Martins is renowned for its beaches.
St Agnes
Troy town farm on the island is the southernmost settlement in the whole of the UK.
St Agnes joins the island of Gugh by a sand bar with a combined population of 85 with a land area of 366 acres
The islands most prominent landmark is its light house – which is now living accommodation – which was built in 1680 and is 74 feet tall. The light was first lit 30 oct 1680. in 1911 the St Agnes light house was decommissioned with the old tower now as a “Daymark “ for shipping
The troy town maze originated in 1729 and was rebuilt in 1988.
Meaning Breyer (place of hills)
The island has a length of 2km by max width of 1 km – the island has a population of approx. 84
The famous hell bay is on the north west of bryher
Bryher has 2 quays church quay (high water) and bar quay (low water). Bar quay is also known as annas quay from Anneka Rice fame. The quays were rebuilt 2006 – 2008
Isles of Scilly – uninhabited islands
Samson is the largest uninhabited island and was inhabited until 1855. There are stunning beaches here.
St Helens
Best known for the remains of as pest house – an isolation hospital built in 1764 for plague cases from visiting ships
Located west of St Martins – climb to the top of great hill for amazing views.
Eastern isles
An amazing cluster of islands close to St martins – ideal for wildlife watching – seals and sea birds
West of St Agnes – a low lying island – a bird sanctuary
To conclude the isles of Scilly – Azure seas, white sand beaches and only 15 minutes from Cornwall.
Things to do and see in isles of Scilly
- Isles of Scilly museum
- Garrison walls
- Hill bay hotel
- Star castle
- Tresco abbey garden
- Cromwells castle
- Rocket house
- Old block house
- King Charles castle